IV. Информационный блок.

Peculiarities of English Utterance - Stress.

The peculiarity of the English language, from the point of view of utterance-stress, is the great number of functional words and their very high frequency in speech. The list of functional words that are generally unstressed in speech includes:

· articles, prepositions, conjunctions, some pronouns, auxiliary and modal verbs.

According to there pronunciation in an unstressed position it is possible to divide form-words into three main groups:

ü functional words, always weak in an unstressed position [1, p.82];

ü functional words (auxiliary and modal verbs, prepositions), which are reduced at the beginning or in the middle of an utterance, but retain their strong form at the end of it [1, p.83-84];

ü functional words, which retain there full forms in an unstressed positions, but very rapid colloquial speech [1, p. 84-85].