Династия Плантагенетов в истории Англии

ИНСТИТУТ ИНОСТРАННЫХ ЯЗЫКОВ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ ЯЗЫКИ И КУЛЬТУРЫ КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА НА ТЕМУ Династия Плантагенетов в истории Англии Студент 301 аи группы Петрова Ю.А. Научный руководитель Фролова И.Г. МОСКВА-2002 Institute of foreign Languages Faculty Languages and Cultures COURSE PAPER The Plantagenet Dynasty in the History of Great Britain Student 301 ai group Petrova J. Scientific supervisor Frolova I.G. Moscow-2002 Introduction 4-5 Part I. The early Plantagenets Angeving kings 6-1. Henry II 7-2. I Coeur de Lion 12-3. John Lackland 14-16 Part II. The last Plantagenets 17-1. Henry III 17-2. Edward I 19-3. Edward II 21-4. Edward III 23-5. Richard II 25-30 Conclusion 31-33 Bibliography 34-35 References 36-IIreland is a monarchy, now Parliamentary and once an absolute one. That s why the history of the country closely connected with the history of Royal dynasties.

Speaking about royal dynasties in England we should take in mind the fact, that the first one appeared in the country with the Norman invasion in 1066. In the ancient time after Anglo-Saxon invasion the country consisted of small kingdoms each ruled by its own king. Their representatives Chieftains of the kingdoms the Witan chose king of England for example Edward the Confessor.

It was William the Conqueror, who began the first dynasty House of Normandy.

William I the Conqueror Duke of Normandy 1035-1087 invaded England, defeated and killed his rival Harold at the Battle of Hastings and became King of England. With the coronation of William the new period in history of England began. England turned into a centralizes, strong feudal monarchy. The period of small kingdoms ended and started the Era of Absolute Monarchy. William was Duke of Normandy and at the same time the King of England.

He controlled two large areas Normandy inherited from his father and England he won it. Both areas were his personal possession. To William the only difference was that in France he had a King above him and he had to serve him. In England he had nobody above him. Nobody could say who he was an Englishman or a Frenchman. The Norman Conquest of England was completed by 1072 aided by the establishment of feudalism under which his followers were granted land in return for pledges of service and loyalty.

As King William was noted for his efficient harsh rule. His administration relied upon Norman and other foreign personnel especially Lanfranc Archbishop of Canterbury. In 1085 started Domesday Book. In this book there was the reflection of what happened to England. The next kings were kings of Plantagenet s dynasty. I have chosen the history of this dynasty as a subject for my course paper because, on the one hand, being a student of the English language I can t but be interested in the history of this country, and, on the other hand, not so much is written about the Plantagenet s kings, among which there were such world-known persons as Richard-the-Lion Heart and John Lackland.

Part I. The early Plantagenets Angeving kings

Henry assumed that Becket, who had served efficiently as chancellor si... A reconciliation between Becket and Henry at the end of the same year ... Henceforth criminous clerks were to be tried in church courts, save fo... Richard, a renowned and skillful warrior, was manly interested in the ... 6 He spent only about six mouths in England during his reign. During h...

Part II. The last Plantagenets

A major campaign to control Llywelyn ap Gruffydd of Wales began in 127... The war was carried during the reign of 5 English kings. He enlisted household troops and built a wide network of king s knight... Richard was granted the customs of revenues for life, and the power of... Richard died at Pontefract Castle, either of self-starvation or by smo...


11th - 12th centuries the first Plantagenets were the years of constit... One of the best example of Gothic architecture is Salisbury Cathedral. In some respects it took time for its effects to become detrimental to... Some landlords responded by trying to reassert labor services where th... Heavy taxation of wool exports was one reason for the growth of the cl...


Черняк Е.Б. 14. Lnd. Hale 1958. Who s who in history.


43p. Черняк Е.Б. 20. 23. Garden City N.Y Doubleday 1951.106p..