Verbs not normally used in the Continuous Tenses

Stative verbsrefer to ‘states’. A state has no beginning and no end. We don’t ‘control’ it

There are 3 cases of verbs:

· Dynamicverbs which have simple and continuous forms

I often listen to music.

I’m listening to music now.

· Verbs which are always stative

She loves her baby.

· Verbs that have stative and dynamic uses

I’m weightingmyself

I weight 80 kilos.

1. Verbs of senses

hear, see, smell, feel, notice, taste

2. Verbs of feelings and emotions

hate, like, dislike, love, need, prefer, want, wish, hope

3. Verbs of mental activity

believe, imagine, know, mean, realize, recognize, remember, suppose, understand, seem, expect, agree, doubt, forget, prefer

4. Verbs of possession and being

have, be, belong, concern, consist, contain, depend, involve, matter, need, owe, own, possess, cost, weight, come from