Профессора Жукова В.И.

Перед вами десятый том, который посвящен этике социальной работы.

Medvedeva G.P. Social Work Ethics: the monography (manual). - MSSU, "Soyus" - 1998 - 248 p.


The manual «Social Work Ethics» is a first Russian manual presenting the problems of social work ethical basics as a specific area of the professional activity. There are presented the main issues of origin, coming-to-be, essence and substance of social work, its institutionalisation in the form of professional code of ethics. Both theoretical and practical aspects of social workers activities are revealed from the point of professional ethics and morals, essence and substance of his professional duty. There are given the practical recommendations in the sphere of social worker’s etiquette.


Manual is addressed to the students who are studying «Social work» and «Social pedagogic», practical social workers and also lecturers of the higher educational institutions.