рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Change the following sentences in Direct Speech into Reported Speech.

Change the following sentences in Direct Speech into Reported Speech. - раздел Иностранные языки, Grammar Exercises     1. Mr. Black Said, «It Didn`t Take Us Long To...



1. Mr. Black said, «it didn`t take us long to discuss the price».

Mr. Black said that it hadn’t taken them long to discuss the price.

2. The office manager said, «You`ll go on business to London soon».

The office manager said that you would go on business to London.

3. Mr. Black said, «You’re staying with us for a week, Mr. Taylor, aren`t you?»

Mr. Black asked if Mr. Taylor was staying with him for a week.

4.Mr. Black says, «What discount can you give us, Mr. Smith?»

Mr.Black asks Mr. Smith what discount he can give them.

5. Mr. Black said, «Your prices are very high. We can`t accept them».

Mr.Black said that their prices were very high and they couldn’t accept them.

6. Mr. Black said, «Who are you waiting for, Mr. Brown?»

Mr. Black asked Mr. Brown who he was waiting for.

7. Mr. Black said, «Have you translated the letter, Nancy?»

Mr. Black asked Nancy if she had translated the letter.

8. Mr. Black says, «Look through the quotation from Dunn & Co, please».

Mr. Black kindly asks to look through the quotation from Dunn&Co.

9. Mr. Black said, «Don`t send the fax to Smith & Co!»

Mr. Black asked not to send the fax to Smith&Co.

10. Mr. Black said, «Do our goods meet your requirements, Mr. Smith?»

Mr. Black asked Mr. Smith if their met his requirements.



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Grammar Exercises

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Supply the correct article where necessary.
    1. The equipment of Blake & Co is very good. They sell it to different companies. 2. Where are the newspapers? They are on the desk. 3. There i

Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.
  1. She is sitting at the table and speaking on the phone. She is making an appointment on Friday. 2. They met Mr. Black in his office. The meeting began at 10 o`clock and l

Supply the correct tens-forms.
  1. Now you see Mr. Black in his office. During the day he looks through English newspapers, discusses business matters. Now he is reading a letter. He is going to phone the manager

Supply modal verbs or equivalents.
  1. May I I offer you a cup of tea? 2. – Do I have to go to the office every day? – No, you don’t. 3. – May I invite businessmen to the conference room?

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