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Old English Manuscripts

Old English Manuscripts - раздел Иностранные языки, Old English Period in the History of the English Language. Old English Written Records Most Of The Old English Manuscripts Were Written In Latin Characters. The Lat...

Most of the Old English manuscripts were written in Latin characters. The Latin Alphabet was modified by the scribes to suit the English language (some letters were changed and some new letters were added (see examples above)). The Old English manuscripts that give us the examples of the language of that period are:

personal documents containing names and place names;

legal documents (charters);

glosses to the Gospels and other religious texts (Latin-English vocabularies for those who did not know Latin good enough to understand the texts);

textual insertions (pieces of poetry).

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Old English Period in the History of the English Language. Old English Written Records

Old English Period in the History of the English Language Old English Written...

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Все темы данного раздела:

Historical Background and Linguistic Situation
1. When the first people arrived to Britain 50000 B.C. it was still part of the continent. Later, 5000 B.C., at the end of the Ice Age, Britain became an island

Old English Dialects
Kingdom Kent Wessex Mercia Northumbria Dialect Kentish West Saxon M

The first Old English written records are considered to be the runic inscriptions.To make these inscriptions people used the Runes/the Runic Alphabet – the first original German

Old English Alphabet
The Old English Alphabet was borrowed from Latin, but there were also some letters that were borrowed from the Runic Alphabet: ? (“thorn”) = [q] and [ð] ? (“wynn”) = [w]

Old English Poetry
1.Among the earliest textual insertions in Old English are the pieces of Old English poetry. They are to be found in “The Ecclesiastical History of the English People” writt

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