In this conversation in a cafe the woman is very cold and re served. Listen carefully and concentrate on what she says

Make up similar conversational situations and act them with your fellow-student.

— Do you mind if I sit here?

— No.

— Nice day today, isn't it?

— Yes.

— A lot of people here today, aren't there?

— Yes.

— But of course it's full on Mondays. Haven't I seen you before?

— No.

— That's strange. I'm certain I know your face. Do you work near here?,

— Yes.

— Oh that must be why your face is familiar.

— Oh.

— Do you like steak?

— Yes.

— Well the steak's very good in this cafe. Ah here's the menu.

— Thanks.

4. In this conversation Mr. Gray is being interviewed for a job. The interviewer asks him serious considered questions. Listen carefully to the dialogue. Mark the stresses and tunes. Your teacher will help you and all the members of the class to in­tone, the dialogue correctly. Practise reading your corrected variant. Act the dialogue in pairs.

— Good morning, Mr. Gray. How call I help you?

— Well I wondered if there were any jobs available at your firm.

— What do you know of our company, Mr. Gray?

— Well I know you're one of the biggest soap manufac­turers in the country.

— What type of job did you want?

— Well at the moment I'm in the sales department of Cadnams so I thought...

— How long have you been working for them?

— Ever since I left University.

— And when was that?

— Three years ago. I studied law.

— Very interesting. Why did you go to Cadnams?

— Well I don't really know. It seemed a good job.

— How much salary do you get?

— Well-er-um fifteen hundred actually.

— Why do you want to leave?

— Well-er, you see, -er to be quite frank I don't get on with the boss.

— Why don' t you like him ?

— Well-urn, you see, he's my father-in-law.

— I see. Well we'll get in touch with you, Mr. Gray.


la.Listen to the stimulus and respond to it in the intervals. Make your voice fall on the last stressed syllable. Pronounce each reply several times until it sounds perfectly natural to you.

lb. Listen to the stimulus and respond to it in the intervals.

lc.Pronounce each reply several times until it sounds perfectly natural to you.

Id. Listen to your fellow-student reading the replies. Tell him what his errors in pronunciation are.

Pattern One. {Low Pre-Nucleus +) High Fall (+Tail)

Model: You haven't spoken Iv have. to him.

Stimulus Response

Now what have you done Nothing.

to Mary? Who's been eating my grapes? No one.

Pattern Two. (Low Pre-Head +) Falling Head + High Fall (+Tail)

Model: They say it's Who v cares aboutv that?
