According to the degree of noise English and Russian conso­nants are divided into two big classes:

Class A. Noise consonants.

Class B. Sonorants.

A. In the production of noise consonantsthere is a noise component characteristic. Noise consonant sounds vary:

(1) In the work of the vocal cords,

(2) in the degree of force of articulation.

According to the work of the vocal cords they may be voice­less and voiced.

When the vocal cords are brought together and vibrate we hear voice.

Voiced consonants are: the English [b. d, g, v, d. z, 3, cfe]; m Russian [ á, á'.â, â', ã, ã', ä, ä', æ, ç, ç').

If the vocal cords are apart and do not vibrate we hear only noise and the consonants are voiceless.

Table I