Main Principles of Classification of Consonants


According to the Degree of Noise
Class A. Noise Consonants Class B. Sonorants
Vary: 1 .• In the manner ol articulation. 2. In the place of articulation. 3. In the work of the vocal cords. 4. In the force of articulation. Vary: 1. In the manner of articulation. 2. In the place of articulation. 3. In the position of the soft palate. 4. In the direction of the air stream.

Voiceless consonants are: the English [p, t. k, f, 0, s, /, tf, h); the Russian [ï, ï'ã ô, ô ê, ê', ò, ò', ø, ø', ÷ ö, õ, x'j.

Voiced consonants are not fully voiced in all word positions, in word final position, for example, they are partly devoiced.

The degree of noise may vary because of the force of articula­tion. Strong noise consonants are produced with more mus­cular energy and stronger breath effort. Weak noise conso­nants are produced with a relatively weak breath effort.

Strong noise consonants are: the English (p, t, k. f, â, s,/, h, tf].

Table 2