
1.Ñïðÿæåíèå ãëàãîëà ‘to be’.

Ãëàãîë- ïåðåâîäèòñÿ – áûòü, íàõîäèòñÿ.


+ I - am (‘m ) - I am not ? Am I?

+ He, she, it- is (‘s) - He, she, it is not ? Is he, she, it?

+ We, you, they - are (‘ re ) - We, you, they are not ? Are we, you.they?



+ You are my best friend.

? Are you my best friend ?

-You are not ( aren’t ) my best friend.


+I am in the garden.

? Am I in the garden?

16I am not in the garden.


+This is T. Turner record.

? Is this T. Turner record?

16This is not (isn’t) T.Turner record.


Âîïðîñèòåëüíûå ñëîâà.

×òî, êàêîé – What, ãäå, êóäà – Where, êîãäà – When, ïî÷åìó – Why, êîòîðûé – Which, êîìó - Whom, ÷åé – Whose, êòî - Who, êàê – How. (how old, how long, how much, many).


Ïîñòàâüòå â ïðîïóñê íóæíóþ ôîðìó ãëàãîëà ‘to be’