My Institute.

I study at Nizhny Novgorod branch of Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law. It has already been training students for 12 years. We have two faculties at our branch: of economics and law. Students can choose one of three departments: full-time, part-time or extra-mural.

It is very important to have a higher education now. So many young people enter our institute every year, though they have to pay for their studies.

The building of the institute is situated not far from the center of the city. There are a lot of classrooms, computer-rooms, a library with a reading hall and a café in it.

All the students are to learn such compulsory subjects as History, Philosophy, English, Maths, and others. They also take special subjects according to their future profession.

An academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term we have an examination session. We usually have to take a lot of credits and exams. So we must work hard at different subjects during the year. We should attend all lectures and seminars and do our best to make progress in studies. All this will help us in future become qualified specialists and get a well-paid job.


1. What year student are you?

2. What department do you study at?

3. What subjects do you learn at the institute?

4. What is your favourite subject? Why?

5. Where is your institute situated?

6. Do you try to go far in your studies? What do you do for that?