B. Find the column II the appropriate ending of what is given in the column I. Translate sentences into Russian.

1.It is in Stratford-on-Avon 2. It was the Russian scientist Popov 3. It was in Central Asia 4. It was the famous 'cellist Casals 5. It is in summer 6. Is was the great composer Bach 7. It was Columbus     whom I was eager to hear. whose art marked a new epoch in the history of world music. that Shakespeare was born. who discovered America. who discovered the radio-waves. that the famous Russian traveler. Przhevalsky explored a great number of regions. that we go mountaineering.
1.It was not the North Pole 2. It is not the description of the storm 3. It was not Cook 4. . It is not your neighbour 5. It was not in Moscow 6. It was not until his arrival that I like most of all in this book. that we met first. that we learned the sad news. that Amundsen discovered. It was the South Pole. who first reached the North Pole. It was Pirie. whom I want to speak to.