Exercise 8. Point out the link-verb of the compound nominal predicate. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He looked pale and tired. (Du Maurier). 2."He smokes one hundred and fifty pipes every day." —"That sounds a lot". (Greene). 3. "What is Diolaction?" I said. "It sounds like condensed milk." (Greene). 4. He looked puzzled and suspicious. (Greene). 5. Please, keep quiet. 6. Arguments proved useless — the old man was impla­cable. (Cronin). 7. It was growing twilight. (Bates). 8. Davidson looked scared, and his yellow drawn face went paler. (Alding­ton). 9. That peaceful sky hung arched over a desperate death-struggle of the nations. (Aldington). 10. This excess of caution ... seemed positively lunatic to troops coming straight from the front line. (Aldington). 11. Her mind was really getting muddled. (O'Casey) 12. Her lips quivered as she sat silent. (O'Casey). 13. He felt very conscious now. 14. With this effort from his neck he passed out again, and this time into the furious black pain that seemed to last too long, although he remained half aware of it. (Aldridge). 15.The blanched skin was slowly turning pink.