Ex. 7. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.

1. It is particularly interesting to [install, compare, erase, compose] the two versions of the Windows operating system.

2. Video cameras with night vision can be [attached, distributed, activated, increased] by the movement of something or somebody.

3. A few journalists were allowed to [reproduce, reach, locate, view] the art exhibition the day before it opened.

4. The paragraphs in your essay are not arranged in logical [increase, reproduction, order, introduction].

5. The software company is going to [introduce, increase, compare, erase] a new series of educational games for children.

6. The cable is made of many twisted [media, wires, surfaces, locations].

7. The second half of the game was dull by [advantage, comparison, introduction, reproduction] with the first.

8. The person who [receives, reproduces, distributes, retrieves] the e-mail message may reply to it, forward it, delete it, or save it.

9. The main [disadvantage, distribution, order, advantage] of computer simulation is that it can be repeated over and over again under different conditions.

10. With a good set of audio speakers, you can [activate, reproduce, compare, erase] the orchestra's sound in your own home.

11. It's easy to transport your data to another [location, activity, introduction, retrieval] if it is stored on a disk.