Ex. 20. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to Infinitives as attributes.

1. Programs and data to be processed must be loaded into the main memory.

2. In every subject, there are elements to be understood, but there are also some fundamental principles to be memorized.

3. In 1977, Tandy Corporation became the first major electronics firm to produce a PC.

4. Each printer model, as a rule, comes with its own driver software to be installed with the PC’s operating system software.

5. The first automatic copier to use ordinary paper, the Xerox 914, was so popular that Fortune magazine later called it “the most successful product ever marketed in America”.

6. The Colossus was the first computer to be used by British cryptographers for breaking secret German military codes.

7. The scanner to be bought must be checked beforehand.

8. Menu is a list of options displayed on a screen from which the operator selects an action to be carried out.

9. The research to be done at our Institute requires sophisticated electronic equipment and several skilled experts to operate it.

10. Internet is a great place to find and hear hit songs or recorded interviews as well as to watch movies.