Ex. 16. Define the type of the conditional clause and translate the sentences.

1. If the system crashes, we will lose all our latest data.

2. Had Ch. Babbage got additional financing, he would have completed his Analytical Engine.

3. If we couldn’t feed the information in and get results out, computers wouldn’t be of much use.

4. Unless the graphic user interface had been devised, applications software would have been more difficult to use.

5. If you look at the screen for too long, you will get a headache.

6. If semiconductors hadn't been invented, the development of electronics would be much slower.

7. Provided we installed a fax machine and e-mail facility, we would not post so many letters every day.

8. If integrated circuits hadn't been developed, the size of computers would not have been reduced.

9. The data will not be sent on to the computer unless the operator presses an enter key on the keyboard.

10. If a person did the same job as a computer, he would be dead long before the job was finished.