Ex. 24. Look through the text and fill in the gaps with the proper dates and names. Arrange the sentences in chronological sequence.

1. Ada King wrote the demonstration program for the Analytical Engine in ___.

2. The abacus remained the only means of calculation up to ___.

3. In ___, a Swedish printer built a working ___ based on ___'s ideas.

4. The calculator designed by Pascal was called the ___.

5. The Jacquard loom was invented by ___ in ___.

6. In ____, Babbage abandoned the Difference Engine.

7. ___ designed a special gearing system to enable multiplication on Pascal’s machine.

8. In 1823, ___ obtained a government grant to build the___.

9. In ___, a calculating machine called the Step Reckoner was invented by ___.

10. Augusta Ada King was the daughter of the famous English poet ___.

11. The ___ was the first device to use punch cards for inputting data.

12. The first mechanical calculator was the ___.

13. After the invention of logarithms, ___ constructed the first slide-rule in ___.

14. The idea of mechanical calculating mathematical tables first came to ___ in ___.

15. Babbage worked on the ___ for nearly 40 years.

16. ___ is recognized as the world’s first programmer.

17. The abacus was devised in ___ in ___.

18. ___ built the first adding machine in 1642.