Ex. 6. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your grammar!

1. Our portable computer весит 7 pounds and стоит about $4,000.

2. The first electronic computers were like very large furnaces потреблявшие огромное количество of electrical power.

3. There is no точного method of measuring умственных способностей so far.

4. We пришлось ограничить the number of guests because of space problems.

5. The new type of Network Computer can make существующие PCs устаревшими within five years.

6. Many people считают Ada Byron among the best mathematicians of her поколения.

7. Internet banking значительно уменьшит the стоимость of doing business.

8. In some poor countries, only the elite может позволить an education for their children.

9. This function will enable you to restore the system to its предыдущее state if you have a catastrophic problem.

10. Some scientists consider that dolphins are умнее than humans.

11. Japan's rapid progress in hardware technology ведёт к развитию искусcтвенного разума.

12. How much will it стоить us to заменить the устаревшее оборудование?