Ex. 10. Replace the modal verbs by their equivalents and translate the sentences.

1. I searched a few websites, but could not find the information I was looking for.

2. In the example like [a + b x c] we must perform addition after multiplication.

3. The pupils may search the Internet for the information for their reports in history.

4. Musicians can use computers to create multiple-voice compositions and to play back music with hundreds of variations.

5. You must create a directory called DATA on your hard disk and copy the files to it.

6. The first-generation computers could perform thousands of calculations per second. Up-to-date business minicomputers can perform to 100 million operations per second.

7. Children must be allowed only restricted access to the Internet.

8. Automobiles over a certain weight may not use the bridge.

9. Viruses can spread from one computer to another by way of infected disks or programs sent through the Internet.

10. Newsgathering organizations shouldn't put information on the Internet before this information has been verified and analyzed.