Ex. 25. Three words in each sentence should be replaced by another one. Try to do it!

1. The switches in the first-generation computers were bulky, reliable, time-consuming devices generating large amounts of heat.

2. The vacuum engineers of one machine generated enough electricity to power a huge town.

3. The invention of the transistor in 1947 resulted to the creation of smaller, less powerful and faster computers known as microcomputers.

4. Minicomputers were operated by specialized techniques, which were rarely dressed in black lab coats.

5. There were three types of the second-generation computers such of locomotive-sized supercomputers and refrigerator-sized minicomputers.

6. The invention of the integrated circuit in 1957 marks the ending of the third generation of microprocessors.

7. Microcomputers – systems smaller than portable television programs yet with large computing capabilities – began to be called personal mainframes.

8. Microprocessors are used in analogue watches, pocket calculators, ENIAC computers, steam ovens, mobile telephones, spaceships, Global Positioning System devices.