Task III. Quiz: Computers and the Net.

1. Make sure you ___ your computer before you leave the office.

a) close b) shut down c) restart d) lock up

2. How long are you going to be ___ the Internet? I need to phone.

a) at b) in c) to d) on

3. Oh no! This stupid computer has ___ again!

a) crashed b) broken down c) had an accident d) failed

4. There is a ___ in the computer program somewhere.

a) glitch b) bug c) error d) mistake

5. I can spend the whole weekend just ___ the Net.

a) sailing b) swimming c) surfing d) windsurfing

6. Now we have broadband, we're ___ to the Internet 24 hours a day.

a) joined b) infected c) connected d) attached

7. Web-browser is the software that allows you to ___.

a) explore the Net b) eavesdrop c) send a fax d) save a file

8. To open a file, just ___ on it with the mouse.

a) press b) cluck c) hit d) click

9. Virus is a ___ .

a) flaw b) poison c) bug d) digital infection

10. The emoticon ;–) means ___ .

a) I'm flirting b) I didn't like it c) I'm being ironic d) I'm a programmer

11. In the film Mission: Impossible, Tom Cruise enters a high-security area with the help of a computer ___.

a) monitor b) programmer c) cracker d) burglar

12. Shareware means ___

a) hand-me-down clothing b) free hardware c) server d) trial software