Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with the required adjectives from the active vocabulary. Consult the box, if necessary.

1. It is one of most ___ mathematical errors.

2. Supercomputers are so __ that usually only large research universities and government agencies can buy them.

3. A digital computer's hardware is a ___ system of four functionally different elements – a central processing unit, input devices, memory-storage devices and output devices.

4. With the production of inexpensive microcomputers, their applications have become more ___.

5. Computer users can copy pictures and clip-art images that are stored on websites and add them to their ___ documents.

6. Highly ___ electronic devices such as lasers are used for eye operations.

7. It is too early to make any ___ predictions about the results of the experiment.

8. Cell phones and digital watches contain ___ computers that can store such information as telephone numbers, addresses, and appointments.

9. It is a false economy to buy a ___ computer because it will not last very long.

10. The ___ development of electronics began with the invention of transistors.


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