рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Other political parties within the UK nowadays.

Other political parties within the UK nowadays. - раздел Иностранные языки, Соответствия между русскими и английскими словами: 1 government, 2 state,3 citizen, 4 member, 5 house 1) There Was 2) There Were 3) There Are 4) There I...

1) there was

2) there were

3) there are

4) there is

5)there will be


203. The Queen is … woman in the world.

1) wealthy

2) the most wealthiest

3) the wealthiest

4) good

5)more wealthy

204. You investigate this case … than she.

1) good

2) the best

3) better

4) wealthy

5)more good


205. The revolution … the landlord system.

1) abolished

2) abolishing

3) is abolished

4) had abolished

5) are abolished


206. The House of Lords … only three days a week.

1) meets

2) was meeting

3) had met

4) will meet

5) is meeting


207. The courts consist of between 2 and 7 magistrates.

1) how many

2) how much

3) what

4) who

5) how


208. She belongs … the Communist Party.

1) to

2) for

3) on

4) by

5) in


209. Put your voting papers … the ballot box.

1) to

2) in

3) with


5) by


210. The Liberals formed an alliance … the Social Democrats.

1) to

2) within

3) with


5) through


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Соответствия между русскими и английскими словами: 1 government, 2 state,3 citizen, 4 member, 5 house

Members of the House of Lords are not They hold an aristocratic title... Members of the House of Lords are known as... Members of the House of Commons are normally known as...

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