Vocabulary Review

3. Fill in the gaps. Choose the lexical units from the list below: a. conflicts; b. fertilizer; c. green revolution; d. irrigation; e. "miracle seeds"; f. priorities; g. surplus; h. transportation.

1. India changed its _______ by deciding to develop farming before industry.

2. The new ________ made it possible for farmers to grow more crops per year.

3. A great deal of ________is needed to get the best results from the new seeds.

4. Farmers need to grow a _________ of food in order to sell it at the market for money.

5. Dams were built to provide _________for farms in dry years.

4. Translate the following words and phrases into English:ріст населення, підвищувати виробництво продуктів, само відтворююча система, не містити шкідливих речовин, завдавати шкоду навколишньому середовищу, перевиробництво, обмежити виробництво молочних продуктів, захист навколишнього середовища, орні землі, надання субсидій фермерам, місцева влада, щорічні платежі, використовувати хімічні добрива, нижчий рівень нітратів.

5. Explain the meaning of the following word combinations in English: organic farming, a sustainable system, providing grants.

6. Look up the words below, and see which sentences they fit: use, used, season, special, love, drought, bread

Barley is a crop that farmers _________ for its short growing _________ . It is able to withstand _______, flood, and frost. Barley was ______as a bread grain by ancient Greeks and Romans. Barley was used not only in ______ baking, but also as an additive in sausage, stews, and soups. The principal _______ of barley for humans today are in the production of beer and whisky. Barley has always been looked upon as something _______, a food playing a magic role, giving strength and life.

7. Writing a composition. Possible composition titles:

1. Methods of irrigation.

2. The green revolution.

3. Prepare arguments in favour and against organic food.