To make or become better in quality.

7)the ability not to be affected by something

3. Translate the following words and phrases into English: змінювати гени, спадковість, виводити рослини з необхідними характеристиками, опір хворобам, с/г , що вирощує на замовлення, у великих масштабах, покращувати, легка закуска, додавати сіль чи масло, азот, щорічна економія на добривах, зерно, завойовувати цивілізації, віддалені гірські села, здобувати популярність, дослідники, полуниця, диня, збирати, пакувати, зберігати.

4. Use the correct verb form.

Plants (classify) according to their total length of life. We shall (use) a combination of criteria – some genetic, some morphological, and some based on the plant part eaten. Terminology further (confuse) by the lack of clear distinction between fruits and vegetables. A vegetable (define) as the edible portion of herbaceous garden plants, usually grown as annuals. Barley and oats which (complete) their life history in one growing season, i. e. starting from the seed, in one year they (develop) roots, stem and leaves and then produce and seed before dying. Fruits generally (eat) as a dessert or snack.