Age to Wean Pigs

Producers differ in opinion on the age at which pigs should be weaned. Pigs are weaned at all ages ranging from 5 to 12 weeks. If two litters are to be raised each year, the pigs should be weaned at about Ê weeks of age in order to rebreed the sow for the following litter.

The sows should be removed from the pigs at weaning time rather than removing the pigs from their familiar feeding grounds. Unless self-fed, increase the feed for the pigs, but do not let slop or milk accumulate in troughs and sour or become moldy.

Udder troubles may develop if the sows are over-fed at weaning time. It is a good practice to reduce the sow's feed a few days prior to I lie weaning date. If sows and litters are self-fed, build a creep around (he feeders 2 or 3 days before weaning time to keep the sows away.

Trouble often results if the breeder attempts to wean a few of the pigs at a time, because the milk flow continues and some parts of the udders are not used. If the udders become caked and hard, the sow can be put with the pigs for a few minutes in order to prevent severe injury. This will not be necessary more than once or twice because the udder will then dry up satisfactorily.