Adjusts, adjustable

This system is … .

The Farmer Automatic Power System automatically … to the type of fuel, which is automatically brought into the system for gasification.

3. Use the correct verb form.

In Great Britain farmers (apply) fertilizers in spring. Fertilizers (apply) early in spring. Sheep (breed) mainly for their meat. Farmers (breed) pedigree livestock: cattle, sheep, pigs, horses. Plums, strawberries, blackcurrants (grow) in many counties. Farmers (grow) barley, rye, oats and different varieties of wheat. Many chemicals (buy) to get rid of pests. They (buy) some milk, eggs, cheese and meat on Saturday. Hops (harvest) in early autumn. The farmer (harvest) rich yields of crops last year.

4. Translate the following words and phrases into English: худоба, отримати, прибуток, країни, що розвиваються, для власного споживання, натуральне с/г, густо населені річкові долини, інтенсивне с/г, мисливство, збиральництво.