
1. "shaping" the lines of force of this field in certain paths — придавая силовым линиям определенные направле­ния

2. whether or not these electrons actually reach the plate, however, is determined by the plate-to-cathode voltage — однако попадание или непопадание электронов на анод определяется анодным напряжением



1. Review questions:

1.What elements does a diode consist of ? 2.What metal is the plate made of? 3.What does a basic law of electricity state? 4.What charges are emitted from the cathode of an electron tube? 5.When is an electric field established within the tube? 6.For what purpose is a battery connected between the plate and the cathode of a diode? 7.What is the plate current? 8.When does the tube act like an open circuit? 9.What is space charge? 10.What is the effect (action) of the space charge?

2. Translate the international words without a dictionary:

to vary, to control, to absorb, to indicate, to tend, to limit, to discuss, to form

3. Define what parts of speech these words are and translate them:

direction, directive, directly, indirectly, director; par­tial, partially, partly, party; operator, operating, operation, operative, operatively; converter, convertible; dependable, dependent, dependence, dependency