
1. has come into its own — ñòàë ñîâåðøåííî ñàìîñòîÿ­òåëüíûì

2. while catching up fast in other respects — è øèðîêî ïðèìåíÿåòñÿ â äðóãèõ îáëàñòÿõ òåõíèêè

3. an electron missing — íåäîñòàþùèé ýëåêòðîí



1. Review questions:

1. What is a transistor? 2. What do transistors replace? 3. What are two most frequently used varieties of semicon­ductors? 4. What structure do germanium and silicon have? 5. Why is a pure germanium crystal practically called a non-conductor? 6. When do the current-conducting charac­teristics of the germanium crystal change? 7. What proce­dure is known as doping? 8. What is n-type germanium? 9. What is an acceptor atom? 10. What is p-type germanium?

2. Translate the international words without a dictionary:

situation, procedure, variety, popular, neutral, crystal­line, mobile, equivalent, trivalent, real, practically, radically

3. Explain what meanings prefixes and suffixes give to the following words and translate the words:

remainder, collector, carrier, amplifier, detector, semi­conductor, emitter, rectifier, unfavourable, independent, impurity, non-metallic, recombination, mover, movement, movable, specify, loosely