Ex.11 Translate the sentences paying attention to the underlined words.

à) 1. The government has provided all the necessary conditions for successful development of science.

2. The number of workshops and whole plants provided with automatic control is rapidly increasing in our country.

3. Ohm's law provided the possibility of determining resistance provided the voltage and current are known.

4. Provided the Earth's mass were twice as great as it is, it would attract any body twice as strongly.

á) 1. Radio waves are like light waves.

2. We like working in our institute laboratories because we can always get help there in case we need it.

3. We should like to know if (whether) you have interrupted this research or not.

4. Like charges repel each other, while unlike charges attract each other.

5. Unlike solids and liquids all gases have nearly the same coefficient of expansion.

â) 1. If some current flows through a thin wire and then the same amount of current is sent through a thicker one, a different amount of heat will be developed in both these wires.

2. We may say that on the Moon the weight of some body would be only 1/6 as much as it is on the Earth, its mass, however, would be certainly the same.