Social work is deeply rooted and had been developed by the middle of the last century. The practice of rendering assistance to people in solving their problems was widespread .

Modern social workers takes part in solving the diversified problems of different levels.

There is a particular place for professional social work in prisons. The appointment of welfare officers , psychologists and psychiatrists helps an offender adjust to prison conditions, find his place in society in which noone can escape obligations to other people.

The social worker has an obvious role in giving immediate and “first aid” help. Offenders coming to custody have many problems. and a welfare officer provides a link between the institution and the members of the probation and after–care service working in the community.

Social work services are accessible to all prisoners and probationers.

It is to promote effective social functioning and to eliminate antisocial behavior among all persons.

Social work treatment in prison focuses mainly on the following problem areas:

a. orientation to imprisonment and adjustment during incarceration;

b. alcohol and drug dependency;

c. life skills;

d. marriage and family care;

e. aggressive behavior;

f. sexual behavior;

g. preparation for release.

Social work in Russian penal system is at the very beginning of its way. It is much spoken about and considered to be very perspective and necessary. So, our penal institutions need well–qualified and auxiliary social workers.


III. Do the following exercises: