Exercise 12, p. 160

1.This train starts fromPlymouth and goes toLondon.

2. What country do you come from?3. You must try to look at

the matter frommy point ofview. 4. Stop that boy fromspoiling

the book. 5. Johnson never made any provision forthe

future, he just lived fromhand tomouth. 6. Fromtime totime

I will examine you on the work you have done. 7. I know it

from/bymy own experience. 8. We must keep them fromgetting

to know about our plans. 9. The speaker never referred to

his notes, he spoke frommemory. 10. His arrival was a surprise

to/forme. 11. Don’t pay attention towhat he is doing. 12. The

guide drew out attention toan old church, which was a fine

specimen ofRenaissance architecture. 13. It was rough inthe

Atlantic and the girl had to keep toher cabin. 14. The banquet

drew toits close. 15. The fact is it never occurred tome.

16. The chances are ten toone. 17. Turner’s colours were true

tonature. 18. The bus was filled tothe bursting point.

19.Everybody was scared almost todeath. 20. Mr. Wolfe took

a great fancy to/forhis niece. 21. Sybil’s father and mother

might possibly object tothe marriage. 22. I am going home

in/forabout three days. Of course, I shall take only the things

I can’t do without.23. He is withoutexception the best pupil

I have ever had. 24. Iknow you will work hard, that goes without
