Exercise 13, P -161

1. Bread is baked (made) from/of/out offlour. 2. “What

a pity that you have to keep the child from going to

school/to keep the child out ofschool,” said Andrew.

3. Poets and painters often draw inspiration from nature.

4. The brothers are so much alike that I can’t tell them apart

(distinguish/tell one from the other). 5. If I am advising you

to do it I’m speaking from/by experience. 6. Here is a picture

to my taste. 7. The door slammed to. 8. Gwendolen said that

she was engaged/betrothed to Ernest. 9- How can one be so

indifferent to one’s work? 10. Such stubbornness/obstinacy

can drive anyone to despair. 11. You should apologize to the

hostess for being late. 12. The friends made a toast to/drank

to the happy conclusion ofthe journey. 13. Don’t take it so

much to heart/Take it easy. 14. Loise was looking forward to


the day when she would go to school. 15.He took to (got

into the habit of) reading a newspaper while/when eating/at

meals/as he ate. 16. He got next to nothing for his work.

17. Michael proposed to Fleur several times. 18. The visit of

friendship contributed to/promoted mutual understanding.

19. It was done without my consent. 20. He solves such problems

easily (without effort). 21.There is no smoke without
