Exercise 4, p. 189

1. Brown was held under/was under arrest for a month.

2. On his first day in New York John was robbed of all his

money, and he had no one to turn to for help. 3. Aren’t you

ashamed of flinging stones at the dog? 4. I asked him to join us,

but he refused pointblank. 5. “No use trying your tricks me,

I see you through,” said Nick. 6. I found Bref beside himself

with anger, he was in no state to listen to reason. 7. Don’t try

your tricks on me, you won’t be able to make me do it. 8. You

know how proud and touchy he is, he would rather keep in the

background than cut a foolish figure. 9. “It was awfully mean o f

him to intercept the letter that was not meant for him,” said

Janet. 10. Taken unawares, she broke down. 11. When she was

left alone, she broke down, and cried bitterly. 12. We evidently

can’t agree on this point, but why make a scene? 13. That’s

going too far, so far we don’t know anything for certain.

14. The way Ann is making use of her sister’s kindness is really
