Exercise 20, p. 375

1. You must remember to call at the bank on your way home

because we need to order some traveller’s cheques.

2. Could you stop typing for a moment? I need to concentrate

on this letter.


3. I hope you haven’t forgotten to telephone the garage

because the car badly needs servicing.

4. We could try to make a dash for the car if it would only

stop raining for a moment.

5. I’m sure you won’t regret buying the house even though it

needs painting and decorating.

6. I regret to say that he’s forgotten ever promising you a job.

7. I don’t remember taking my wallet out of my bag, but

I must have done it when I stopped to buy petrol.

8. As I told you, he’s rather deaf, so don’t forget to try shouting

if he doesn’t answer the door at first.

9. I’ve considered asking him to raise my salary but I don’t

think he can afford to do/doing it.

10. If the machine happens to stop working just telephone

and arrange for the service engineer to call.

11. I can’t help thinking that we shouldn’t have agreed to

lend him our car.

12. If you’ve finished using the typewriter, I’d like to borrow

it for a while, so that I can get used to typing with that machine.

13. I regret to say I lost my temper with him.

14. He regrets stealing/having stolen money now.

15. Sheila will always regret not going/not having gone to


16. The headmaster does not allow running along the corridors.

17. The teacher on duty does not allow us to run along the


18. Don’t forget to write to me when you are away.

19. Have you forgotten about writing to me already?

20. Tony cannot do any work without being told at least


21. Always remember to wipe your feet before entering the

school during the rainy season.

22. Do you remember wiping your feet before you came into

the house?