Exercise 39, p. 389

1. - Where do the wicked go after death? - They go to hell.

2. His hair was already gray, her own was still a rich honey


3. Bali is a heaven where the famous, the rich and the privileged

go for a holiday.

4. He is a conservative and won’t change his views all of a


5. Scandinavians are much of merchants: the Swedish produce

all the materials, the Norwegians transport them, and the

Danish sell them.

6. - Is the weather changing for the worse? - I hope for the



7. Simon flew to America as he wanted to have a look at the

land of the free.

8. The old and the young, the rich and the poor have their

own problems.

9. The unemployed cannot be expected to live on the savings.

10. “Twice in my life have I prayed, and a fat lot of good it did

me.” «... è ÷åðòà ñ äâà ìíå ýòî ïîìîãëî».

11. Some Tibetians believed that the souls of the dead were


12. Every child should pass the medical check-up. It’s a must!

13. One evening she telephoned me out of the blue and said

she was in some kind of trouble.

14. Black and white are her favourite colours.

15. Jimmy is a radical and believes in his mission to change

the world.

16. Only the wealthy can have the luxury of doing nothing.

17. He got a second wind (âòîðîå äûõàíèå) and came to

the finish first.