Exercise 9, p. 47

1.I lived in my own private world and had very few ways of

communicating with the real world. 2. I felt that writing was not

the sort of thing I liked (that writing wasn’t really my line).

3. Always I feel something is missing. 4. The fact that I often

failed to understand what the film was all about (the message of

the film) lessened its impact on my emotions. 5. I headed/was in

charge of/managed the theatre. 6. Bergman thinks his films contain

all-important ideas, but what are they and why? 7. Music is

not based on reason/Music cannot be rationalized. 8. She is anything

but a dreamer/She has her feet firmly on the ground. 9.I feel

that the complete elimination of language in that picture was neither

reasonable nor right. 10. Some people have criticized your

films for being too like theatre performances. 11.I have always

felt insecure with the crew, the cameras, the sound equipment -

everything./The technical side of making a film has always been



extremely difficult for me. 12. I suddenly felt sure that I knew

how to do my job well.