Exercise 7, p. 86

A.Professor White is a distinguished/an outstanding

scholar. His visit to our school is a great honour./It is a great

honour for our school that he has visited us. 2. I’ve known

him for a long time. We were at school together. 3. The girl

won a scholarship and was able to study art in Italy. 4. School

starts at 8.30. 5. There will be no school tomorrow./The

school will have a holiday tomorrow. 6. The boy has a cough,

so I haven’t let him go to school./I’ve kept him out ofschool.

7. She has a great advantage over the other students: she

speaks English at home. 8. He has the advantage ofknowing

all the students without exception. 9. Do you really think that

I won’t take advantage ofthis opportunity? 10. The dress was

extremely simple but it showed/set offher lovely figure to

advantage. 11. She is too proud to accept/take money from

us, but she won’t admit it. 12. How many students were

admitted to the institute this year? 13. We were not admitted


into the hall/house because/as the performance/show had

already begun. 14. Don’t forget that today the admission to

the club is by ticket only. 15. The stadium admits/

holds/seats thirteen thousand spectators (an audience o f

thirteen thousand/a thirteen-thousand audience). 16. What

a pity that so much effort has been wasted. 17. For

a moment/Momentarily I felt awkward, I thought that he was

going to tell me (was about to tell me) that I was wasting

(my) precious time on chattering (chatting/talking) over/on

the phone. 18. “Some people watch TV for hours, but to my

mind/but I think it’s a waste oftime,” Nicholas said. “For me

there is nothing like a good book.” 19. Although she was very

tired she was pleasantly aware/it was pleasant for her to be

aware that the day hadn’t been wasted. 20. You must tell me

the truth. It’s the only way if you want me to back you (up).

21. A man (A person) who goes back on his (their) word can’t

inspire confidence. 22. Don’t you think that it will be better

not to keep/hold anything back from me? 23. Their country

house has the advantage ofstanding back from the road.

24. Look how beautiful this pine is against/on the background

of the evening sky. 25. I can’t make out/understand

what it is over there, in the background ofthe picture.

26. The work in the old mine was heavy/hard and backbreaking.

27. My room was in/at the back ofthe house.

B. 1. The article is quite decent/good (is pretty good/is

quite good/isn’t bad) but it requires more examples. 2. Eliza

was aware/conscious that soon they would not require her

services any more/any longer. 3. There is only one letter left,

but it does not require an answer. 4. In our country (In this

eountry*) everything is being done to satisfy/meet the growing

requirements ofthe population. 5. He refused/ declined/

mi ned down our invitations, saying that his attendance was

required elsewhere. 6. One (We/I) should find out in advance/


*The Russian word combination «â íàøåé ñòðàíå» is often translated into

English as “in this country”. However one must bear in mind that this

phrase can be used with reference to one’s own country only on its terri-

tory. Thus, i f an American says “in this country” when in Russia he means

"tn Russia”, not “ in the USA”, and when a Russian uses this phrase in the

USA it means “ in the USA”.



early/beforehand/in good time the requirements for admission

to this institute (what is required to be admitted to this

institute). 7. If you had done all that was required of you, you

wouldn’t be in trouble/in a mess/ in a scrape/in a (tight) fix

now. 8. In his report the scientist made several references to

the latest experiments. 9. She produced/ showed/presented

excellent references. 10. I was referred to the editor

because/as he had all the necessary reference books. 11. I’ll

make discreet inquiries, but I don’t think that he referred

to/made reference to your letters. 12. Your uncle has a hot/

quick temper. He will brook no interference. 13- Do/Can you

really think that I will back (up) this absurd/ridiculous/

preposterous scheme/venture/undertaking/contrivance?

14. Stella, what’s the matter with you? You shouldn’t lose your

temper even though you are losing the game. It is ridiculous.

15. Walter has made a point ofnot making (has made it a rule

not to make) important decisions when he is in a temper.

16. Since the very day when Carrie first saw the dress/gown

displayed in the shop window she had been dreaming

of/about buying it. 17. James seldom displayed any signs o f

nervousness/of being nervous/of excitement. 18. I admit/

acknowledge that you displayed courage when you stayed in

the forest alone. 19- It was very discreet ofyou/it was very discreet

on your part to spare us the necessity to meet this

unpleasant man. 20. Anyway/Anyhow/In any event/in any

case he was decent to me/he treated me decently in public.