Exercise 9, p- 88

1. Sure, he was referring to them all the time. 2. This schoolleaver

should apply for admission to university (to college).

3. All the goods in it are displayed in such a way that it is very

easy to find whatever you are looking for. 4. Oh, he is a very

decent fellow. 5. She is very quick-tempered/hot-tempered.

(She has atemper./She has quite a temper/She has a quick

(hot) temper.) 6. Well, I admit that we may have missed some

points. (No, 1 think further investigation/inquiry is required.)

7. Because she promised to lend Ann a smart leather jacket and

(hen went back on her word. 8. A person who has consumption

wastes away very quickly./It’s a wasting disease. 9- Oh, yes, she is

very wasteful. 10. No, I should say more examples are required.

11. How can you believe that I could discuss you behind your

back? 12. Oh, yes, he has done it quite decently. 13. She has had

decent teachers and besides she has always been doing a lot of

work on her own. (She has had the advantage ofgoing to

school in Britain.) 14. She doesn’t have any references./I don’t

like her background.