Exercise 5, p. 116

1. He was glad to be through with his affairs/his business.

2. Today I’m giving my class a test in English literature. 3. He

wished he hadn’t tried (He was sorry he had tried) to

repair/mend/fix the razor (electric razor/shaver) himself. (He

wished he hadn’t undertaken to repair/mend/fix the

razor/electric shaver himself.) It was easier to take (it) apart

than to put (it) together. 4. Children sometimes take toys apart

to see how they work. 5. I looked over my shoulder and saw the

dog running after me. 6. I’m sure that you know the man who sat

next to you. 7. His eyes got adjusted to the dark/the darkness. 8.

Please (I beg you/I entreat you/I beseech you), tell me some

more about her. 9. I looked over my shoulder at the boy again.

10. The mechanical teacher flashed a new task/assignment on

the screen.