Exercise 4, p. 14

1. In early Maythe village is really fairy-like with all its

houses smothered in roses. 2. I’d like to put up atthis small

inn for a week or so. 3. The whole day we roamed (about)

the countryside, and in the evening we had a nice rest. 4. It

turned out to be quite late when at last we got settled.

5. I never saw such a thing as a stew for getting rid of all the

odds and endsof food. 6. Choose the books you need and

take the restto the library. 7. This is a rare edition: the book

is the size ofa matchbox, but the print is very clear. 8. We

have half a tin of potted pork left, let’s add it to the stew

(let’s empty it in to the stew).9. Add some more oatmeal

to the porridgeand stir it upthoroughly with a spoon.


*a peck = 2 gallons = 8,81 litres


10. He may have forgotten about our arrangement, let’s (call

him to be on the safe side.