Exercise 3, p. 120

A. 1. I hate/can’t stand the girl. 2. Our previous arrangement

stands. 3. I stand my ground no matter what is said. 4. I would

hate any ofyou if you mistreat an animal. 5. His careful concealment

ofsuch hate/hatred was a characteristic feature ofa man

ofhis iron self-restraint. 6. I hate/I can’t stand people who laugh

at me. 7. She asked me no further questions but patted Rosalind

affectionately on the shoulder. 8. She stooped to pat her dog.

9. She has taken to gardening. It is her pastime now. 10. I took to

him at first sight. 11. Don’t you try this game on me, you won’t

take me in. 12. The news was so overwhelming, I couldn’t take it

in at once. 13. The plane was taking offwhen he got to the airport.

14. These small houses are to be taken down/to be levelled

to make room for a new big building. 15. He took to cycling the

15 miles to Wallington. 16. She did not take to living in the couniry

as much as I hoped she would. 17. I dropped/gave up medicine

and took up physics.

B. 1. At last he began to speak, his voice level and cold. 2. The

water rose until it was on a level with the river banks. 3. His levelheaded

common sense was always soothing. 4. She went

upstairs to accomplish her regular work. 5. Today at the regular

meeting the question ofyour future was brought up.

6. A moment later they heard two people screaming with pain

from downstairs. 7. The bird gave a scream/screamed as if to

warn its mate ofdanger. 8. The ring fitted the third finger of her

right hand (to perfection). 9. Was the boat fit to put to sea?

10. He is not fit to wipe the shoes of Monique’s father. 11. The

book is out ofprint and is not to be had (and I can’t get it) for

love or money.