Exercise 5, p. 122

A. 1.Step aside, please, you are standing in my light.

2. I should/would never have thought that this shy-looking

man (that this man so timid in appearance) would stand up for

his rights so firmly. 3. It stands to reason that these changes are

temporary and we will go back to the usual routine when our

boss recovers/gets well and takesup/resumes work. 4. He is

too ill to go anywhere: he won’t (be able to) stand/hewon’t

survive the trip. 5. I was sure that I was right and decided to

stand my ground. 6. I don’t understand what these letters stand

for. 7. Such things should/must be said to one’s face and not

behind one’s back./Such things should/must be said when you

are standing face to face and not behind one’s back. 8. He can’t

stand fuss/fussing. 9. I will hate Eddie till I die. My indifference

to her has turned to/into hatred/hate. 11. She greeted him/said

hello to him with a friendly smile. 12. The child’s face was all

smiles when he saw the New Year’s tree. 13. “Greg, you are such

a comfort to me!” his sister said smiling through (her) tears.

14.Iwas annoyed/vexed/irritated by the rain patting/tapping

on the roof. 15. He kept/continued/went on patting her gently

on the shoulder (pattingher shoulder gently) [stroking her

tenderly on the shoulder], waiting for her to calm down/waiting

till she calmed down. 16. He patted the books into a neat

pile. 17. Mrs. Rolson took leave and went away/off (said goodbue

and left/took off) so as not to miss the train. 18. He took

great pridein his class’s progress/was very proud of his class’s

progress in English. 19. The friends took great pains to cook an


Irish stew. 20. When the nanny/the nurse saw how dirty the boy

was/how dirty the boy had got/what a mess the boy was

in/how dirty the boy had made himself, she took him to

task/reprimanded him erossly/angrily/severely (she gave him

a good dressing-down/talking to/telling off). 21. The children

took it for granted that their father must love and

pamper/spoil/indulge/pet them. 22. I took you for your sister.

You are alike as twins. 23. She decided to start a new life and

took up painting. 24. Every day after he had talked to the customers/

clients she took dictation from him in shorthand/she

took down in shorthand what he said/she made/took shorthand

notes at his dictation.

Â.1. If we find the wounded man in the house I will believe

that the old man is on the level and was telling/speaking the

truth. 2. For miles and miles around it was the only level/flat

place. 3. When Anne began to speak, her voice was level and

cold. 4. Tom snatched the gun out ofhis hand and levelled it

at Sanders/and aimed (it) at Sanders/and trained it on

Sanders. 5. Jane’s level/straight eyebrows knitted when she

frowned. 6. He always kept regular hours/He had regular

habits and didn’t often go to town. 7. Why don’t you find

a regular/steady job? 8. The scream(The shrill hoot) ofthe

owl reached an incredibly high pitch, dropped and faded

away/died down in the night. 9- Ruth cut offa piece ofsilver

paper to fit the size ofthe book and began wrapping it. 10. She

didn’t have a dress fit for the occasion. 11. The weather is so

bad that it is not fit for walks. 12. Tom is very sociable/communicative/

outgoing/is a very good mixer and can fit in

with/can fit into any company. 13. Her black hair fitted/

matched her round face and slanting eyes. 14. She has/is gone

to fit on a new dress and it will be a long time before she

comes back/and won’t come back soon. 15. Kate, will you join

us? - Thanks, I’d love to. 16. I was head over heels in love with

him as the saying goes/as they say.