Most correspondence in banking is done through letters and telexes, fax messages and SWIFT ones. Special forms are also widely used.

Here is a layout of a typical letter:


Note: Ref means "reference". References are quoted to indicate what a piece of correspondence refers to ("Your ref) and the correspondence to refer to when replying ("Our ref).

Re is a Latin abbreviation of in re which means "the subject title". It is used after the salutation.

p.p is another Latin abbreviation of per pro, which is sometimes used in signatures and means "for and on behalf of.

The following salutations are used in letters: "Dear Sirs", "Dear Sir", "Dear Madam". In the USA a letter may usually open with "Gentlemen:".


message сообщение

SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)международная организация СВИФТ (основана в 1973 г.)


layout(зд.) расположение рубрик (в письме)

typicalхарактерный, типичный


referenceссылка, референс

receiver получатель


subject titleпредмет письма

body(зд.) текст письма

complimentary closeзаключительная фраза

payment orderплатежное поручение


to quoteприводить, цитировать

to indicateуказывать

for and on behalf ofот имени и по поручению


* * *


Correspondence may deal with information about changes in the bank in question (see an example of such letter on p. 340).

to deal (with)иметь дело (с)

in questionо котором идет речь

correspondentкорреспондент; (зд.) банк-корреспондент