Exercise 1.3

Join the parts of the sentences using the words in brackets.


1. She値l pay me back. She値l get some money. (as soon as)

She値l pay me back as soon as she gets some money.

2. You値l get to the station. I値l wait for you outside. (when)

3. I値l go to work. I値l have a bath. (before)

4. She値l be in Paris. She値l visit friends. (while)

5. The lesson will end. I値l go home. (as soon as)

6. I値l learn the basics. We値l have our first exam. (by the time)

7. Can you feed the cats? I値l be away. (while)

8. I値l tell you about the holiday. I値l get back. (when)

9. I値l study English. I値l speak fluently. (until)

10. She値l go to New York. Where will she stay? (when)

11. I値l travel around Brazil. My visa will run out. (until)

12. Mike will give up his career. He値l have a talk with his wife. (before)

13. The investigation will begin. The man will contact the police. (after)

14. Terry will score a goal. I think the crowd will start cheering. (as soon as)