Exercise 3.4

Rewrite the following active sentences using a passive form. Make the person the subject, not the thing. Omit the agent if it is not necessary.


1. He offered me a job at his company. I was offered a job at his company.

2. The company sent him a letter.

3. The Credit Bank lent me two thousand pounds in 1999.

4. They gave him a watch when he retired.

5. They showed us the sights of the city.

6. She will send you a fax.

7. I think they will introduce me to their new partner.

8. Someone has promised the client a discount.

9. The magician told them the secret.

10. Has anybody brought you winter clothes?

11. One of his uncles taught him about stocks and shares.

12. Someone gave the animal charity a lot of money.

13. They asked me some difficult questions at the exam.

14. When I entered the room, the teacher was still asking Richard questions.