The Procedure of Telephoning

Telephoning is very simple. You look up the necessary number in the telephone directory; then you pick up the receiver and wait for the signal (buzz, buzzing sound). Next you make the necessary turns of the dial, according to the number required, and you will know at once whether the line is clear or engaged (Am. busy) from the buzz given automatically.

If you hear a prolonged buzzing, hold the wire and your number will answer in a moment. A frequent high tone buzzing means that the line is engaged. In this case you must put down or hang up the receiver and wait for a couple of minutes.

If you wish to interrupt a conversation for a couple of minutes, you say, “Please hold the line”, and put the receiver on the desk. In this way you avoid being cut off (disconnected). Having finished speaking you put the receiver on its rest.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. What do you do when you want to telephone? 2. What do a prolonged buzzing and a frequent high tone buzzing mean? 3. What do you do when you wish to interrupt a conversation?

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