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What is Classical Physics?

Classical physics is a branch of physics in which matter and energy are two separate concepts. Based primarily on Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion and James Clerk Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic radiation, classical physics is generally divided into several different areas. These areas include mechanics, dynamics, hydrodynamics, statics, optics, thermodynamics and acoustics, as well as the study of magnetism and electricity. The laws of conservation of mass, conservation of energy and conservation of momentum are also very important to classical physics. They state that mass and energy can be neither created nor destroyed, and the momentum of an object will only be changed if an outside force acts on it.


Виберіть правильний варіант.

1. Classical physics deals with matter and energy as ___.

a) two separate concepts b) a single notion c) the only things worth studying

2. The “parents” of classical physics are Newton and ___.

a) Faraday b) Einstein c) Maxwell

3. Classical physics also studies the law of ___.

a) transition from quantity to quality b) conservation of energy c) supply and demand


17.4. Граматика. Ступені порівняння прикметників і прислівників

І спосіб

Порівняльний ступінь + -er, Найвищий ступінь + -est
односкладові     двоскладові, з наголосом на 2 складі   двоскладові, які закінчуються на -er, -ow, -y, -le
big – bigger – biggest high – higher – highest polite – politer – politest easy – easier – easiest clever – cleverer – cleverest

II спосіб

more – the most
для багатоскладових та інших прикметників
beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful