The Black Sea Pollution

The story about the Black Sea pollution starts like almost any other pollution story. Once, about half a decade ago, the Black Sea had very rich and diverse marine ecosystems. It also had major economic benefits in the form of millions of tourists coming from all over the world, not to mention the abundant fisheries.

But in the 1990s, this important natural resource has been brought at the brink of destruction. Once rich biodiversity became only a fond memory, and foreign tourists are no longer coming to enjoy the natural beauties that this area once offered. There is also no more fish, and tragically the Black Sea has become an area to dump all forms of solid and liquid waste.

The Black Sea is full of different pollutants such as toxic metals and agrochemicals. These substances have caused an overproduction of phyto-plankton which prevents light from reaching the sea grasses and algae, thus making a huge damage to marine life.

Many tanker accidents caused oil pollution, while coastal industries continue to discharge waste products directly, with little or no treatment. This, along with huge industrial activity in the area, shipping and offshore oil exploration have created critical environmental situation.

In order to fight this pollution, the six surrounding countries signed the Bucharest convention in 1992 but this convention has so far had very little impact because several governments have not yet released the funds needed to fulfill their commitments in fight against the Black Sea pollution.

And so the pollution still continues.


26.4. Граматика. Узгодження часів

G Запам’ятайте!Якщо у головному реченні використовується присудок у минулому часі, то й у підрядному реченні присудок повинен бути в одній з форм минулого часу, а саме:



Головне речення в минулому часі   Підрядне речення
Past Simple 1. для одночасної дії (в укр. мові – теперішній час) Past Simple V-ed / V-II Past Continuous was / were + V-ing
2. для дії, яка мала місце раніше (в укр. мові – минулий час) Past Perfect had + V-ed / V-III
3. для майбутньої дії (в укр. мові – майбутній час) Future-in-the-Past would (might / could) + V