
1. He has got a dog. 2. He has not got a dog. 3. Has he got a dog?

G Запам’ятайте!

to have dinner (breakfast, lunch, supper) to have a cup of tea (a cigarette, a meal, a drink) to have a shower (a bath, a sleep, a rest, a talk, a chat) to have a good time



Вправа 4. Поставте дієслово to be в Present, Past або Future Indefinite Tense.

1. I ___ a student. 2. They ___ absent at the institute last Friday. 3. My father ___ not a teacher, he ___ a scientist. 4. ___ your aunt a doctor? – Yes, she ___. 5. ___ they ___ at home tonight? 6. We ___ busy the whole day yesterday. 7. My brother ___ a worker. He ___ at work. 8. I hope that the test results ___ positive. 9. All the exercises at the last lesson ___ easy. 10. ___ you an engineer? – Yes, I ___. 11. Yesterday the weather ___ very cold. 12. ___ your brother at school? – Yes, he ___. 13. ___ this your watch? — Yes, it ___. 14. I ___ very tired when I came home yesterday. 15. She ___ an actress. 16. These ___ our bicycles. 17. Peter and Jim ___ at home when I called on them the other day.

Вправа 5. Заповніть пропуски необхідними формами дієслова to have.

1. My brother ___ dark hair now, but when he was a child he ___ rather fair hair. 2. Let’s go to the party. We ___ a good time there. 3. I want to call him. ___ you ___ his telephone number? 4. I ___ a terrible headache. 5. We couldn’t get the concert tickets yesterday because we ___ (not) enough money.


3.5. Домашнє завдання

Вправа 6. Перекладіть речення англійською, використовуючи конструкцію There is ... There are ....

1. На наступній сторінці є графік (a chart) цієї функції. 2. В телефонному довіднику немає Вашого номеру. 3. В США багато міст з однаковими назвами. 4. На другому поверсі є 2 великі аудиторії. 5. В моїй машині намає пального. 6. Є тільки один вихід з цієї ситуації. 7. Існує багато робіт з цього питання. 8. Нема про що хвилюватись. 9. Вчора був гарний концерт. 10. З цим пристроєм не буде ніяких проблем.

Вправа 7. Поставте дієслова to be, to have в Present, Past або Future Indefinite.

1. My father ___ a teacher. 2. He ___ a pupil twenty years ago. 3. He ___ a doctor when he grows up. 4. My sister ___ not ___ at home tomorrow. 5. She ___ at school tomorrow. 6. ___ you ___ at home tomorrow? 7. ___ your father at work yesterday? 8. My sister ___ ill last week. 9. She ___ not ill now. 10. Yesterday we ___ at the theatre. 11. Where ___ your mother now? – She ___ in the kitchen. 12. Where ___ you yesterday? – I ___ at the cinema. 13. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ___ at home. 14. We ___ a really good time yesterday. 15. ___ you ___ time to go to the stadium with me tomorrow? 16. We usually ___ lunch at the canteen. 17. He ___ three lessons every day.

Вправа 8. Напишіть та вивчіть автобіографію (710 речень).


Lesson 4. Outstanding Scientists

4.1. Усна тема. Біографія видатної людини

D.I. Mendeleyev (18341907)

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev is a famous Russian chemist. He is best known for his development of the periodic table of the properties of the chemical elements. This table displays that elements’ properties change periodically when they are arranged according to atomic weight.

Mendeleyev was born in 1834 in Tobolsk, Siberia. He studied chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg, and in 1859 he was sent to study at the University of Heidelberg. Mendeleyev returned to St. Petersburg and became Professor of Chemistry at the Technical Institute in 1863. He became Professor of General Chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg in 1866. Mendeleyev was a well-known teacher, and, because there was no good textbook in chemistry at that time, he wrote the two-volume “Principles of Chemistry” which became a classic textbook in chemistry. In this book Mendeleyev tried to classify the elements according to their chemical properties. In 1869 he published the first version of his periodic table of elements. In 1871 he published an improved version of the periodic table, in which he left gaps for elements that were not known at that time. His table and theories were proved later when three predicted elements: gallium, germanium, and scandium were discovered.

Mendeleyev investigated the chemical theory of solution. He found out that the best proportion of alcohol and water in vodka is 40%. He also investigated the thermal expansion of liquids and the nature of petroleum.

In 1893 he became the director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures in St. Petersburg and held this position until his death in 1907.

Вправа 1. Знайдіть у словнику переклад слів і словосполучень:

a property; two-volume; a gap; to investigate; germanium; expansion; to prove; to improve; to predict; liquid; solution; Bureau of Weights and Measures.

Вправа 2. Викристовуючи моделі, складіть розповідь про Менделєєва.

___ was born in ___ (year) in ___ (place) in the family of ___.

He studied ___ (subject) at ___ (institution).

He worked as a ___ (position) at ___ (institution).

He invented ___.

He discovered ___.

He is also famous for ___.

He died in ___.


☺ З великими людьми теж трапляються кумедні історії.

· In the period that Einstein was active as a professor, one of his students came to him and said: “The questions of this year’s exam are the same as last years’!” “True,” Einstein said, “but this year all answers are different.”

· Albert Einstein, who fancied himself as a violinist, was rehearsing a Haydn string quartet. When he failed for the fourth time to get his entry in the second movement, the cellist looked up and said, “The problem with you, Albert, is that you simply can’t count.”

· One student in Rutherford’s lab was very hard-working. Rutherford had noticed it and asked one evening:

– Do you work in the mornings too?

– Yes, – proudly answered the student sure he would be commended.

– But when do you think? – amazed Rutherford.

Прочитайте біографії інших видатних людей (див. Appendix I).

4.2. Письмові завдання

Вправа 3. Запишіть декілька фактів з біографії будь-якого вченого. Приклади виконання завдання.

___ was born in ___ (city / country) in ___ (year) / on ___ (date). He studied at ___ (school). He was good at ___ (subjects). At the age of ___ he entered ___ (institute). His greatest discovery was ___ . He was also interested in ___ (fields of science). He was married to ___ (name). He had ___ (children). He died in ___ (year).


4.3. Граматика. Числівники. Прийменники

4.3.1. Числівники

Утворення кількісних числівників

Другий десяток: закінчення -teen – 13 – 19 (thirteen ... nineteen).

Десятки: закінчення -ty – 20 – 90 (twenty ... ninety).

Тризначні числівники утворюються за зразком: 356 – three hundred and fifty-six.

Кожні три розряди чисел (справа наліво) відокремлюються комою: 2,437; 5,789,240.

Утворення порядкових числівників

Закінчення -thsixth, thirteenth, twenty-fourth.

Виняток: 1st – the first, 2nd – the second, 3rd – the third.

G Запам’ятайте!

У числівників five and twelve букви ve змінюються на f – fifth, twelfth; до числівника eight додається лише буква h eighth; у числівника nine пропускається остання буква -eninth; у числівників, що позначають десятки, кінцева буква y змінюється на ie: twenty – twentieth, fifty – fiftieth.

Роки читаються так:

1989 – nineteen eighty-nine

1905 nineteen [ou] five

1700 – seventeen hundred

2005 – two thousand five (twenty hundred and five)

Дати: 14 січня – the fourteenth of January, January the fourteenth

14-го січня – on the fourteenth of January


G Запам’ятайте як читаються дати та час!

1.01.1984 – on the first of January nineteen eighty-four;

в 1741 году – in seventeen forty-one;

о 5–30 – at half past five;

о сьомій годині дванадцять хвилин – at twelve minutes past seven;

без п’ятнадцяти шість – at a quarter to six.

G Запам’ятайте як читаються дробові числа!

1/2 – a half; 1/3 – one third (of an apple); 2/5 – two fifths (of an apple).


G Запам’ятайте як читаються математичні операції та функції!

+ – plus n-th root of
- – minus – square root of
* – times; multiplied by – cube root of
/ – divided by 52 – five squared
= – is; equals; is equal to 53 – five cubed
f(x) – f of x 75 – seven to the fifth power

Вправа 4. Запишіть числівники англійською мовою.

9, 11, 20, 33, 45, 89, 100, 400, 721, 999, 1535, 276498, 3100001.

Вправа 5. Перекладіть словосполучення англійською мовою.

третій рік; дев’ятий день; тринадцята школа; тридцять друга книга; сорок третій дім; сьоме березня 1900р.; двадцяте січня 2000р.; двадцять третє грудня 2002р.; він народився 1 лютого 1985р.; вiн приїхав 21 травня 2003р.

☺ Smile!

· Teacher: Name 6 animals which live specifically in the Arctic.

Pupil: Two polar bears and four seals.

· What is the difference between an amateur programmer and a professional one? – An amateur thinks that 1 kilobyte is 1000 bites. A professional thinks that 1 kilometer is 1024 meters.